
Samuel Thornhill Comments regarding the EIA of the proposed Toco Port.

Here we are twenty years later and it is again crystal clear, that the required due diligence has not been done. The current developers being mindful of the overwhelming opposition which those in 2000 received, have been marketing this latest incarnation of the port, as one where there would be no need to displace anyone from their homes. That statement alone shows that they have not done their homework because anyone who is familiar with, or who embarks upon an inspection of the area, would recognize that a project of this magnitude requires a substantial acreage of land, on which to store the heavy equipment and the massive volumes of material that would be required. It would therefore necessitate, the acquisition of several properties for this purpose. Even if that were true, the fact that the proposal is to now to construct the project off the coastline, does not make the proposition any more palatable, or any less offensive.