CEC5345_2017 Toco Port Project EIA - COMMENTS by Mark Meredith

CEC5345_2017 Toco Port Project EIA - COMMENTS by Mark Meredith

the claims made for the need of a large multi-purpose port in Toco are predicated on assumptions and falsehoods devoid of any economic analysis, data or fact. The EIA fails to address any of these concerns, and in fact in many areas appears to show little understanding of the environment, in the broad sense of the word, in which the foreign-based consultants, ERM, were working. They assume mitigation and management measures will be of a standard they might find in developed, first world countries. The EIA shows no understanding of the harsh realities on the ground: of the inefficiencies and neglect that actually exist in Trinidad. ERM’s suggestion to “Implement a community grievance mechanism” is proof of that. For ERM to live up to their self-proclaimed billing of “the world’s leading sustainability consultancy” one wonders what they are doing involved in such a project in the first place.