Government Documents for Sustainable Development of Trinidad’s Northeast Peninsula
Click the green links for documents or more information on each topic
The Environmental Management Authority report regarding Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC) on the Environmental Impact Assessment conducted by the company ERM West Incorporated and the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO) on behalf of the Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT) for the proposed Toco Port.
The review of the EIA Report identified deficiencies, which must be addressed to enable informed, objective and fair decision-making with respect to making a determination on the CEC application.
Environmental Management Authority (EMA) link to documents pertaining to the Toco Port Development Project Certificate of Environmental Clearance CEC) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Documents
Progress, Gaps and Opportunities for Action. Environmental, Economic and Social Well-being for today and tomorrow. June 2012. from the Ministry of Planning and the Economy
All public access files in the National Registry of the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) Regarding Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Toco Port Development Project
Environmental Management Authority (EMA) Application guides and requirements
Sustainable Regional Development Framework for Northeast Trinidad. Prepared by Kairi Consultants Limited on behalf of the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation