Community Documents Discussing Sustainable Development of Trinidad’s Northeast Peninsula
Click the green links for articles or more information on each topic
Published September 2019 by the National Infrastructure Development Corporation (NIDCO)
Published Feb 1988 by The Institute of Marine Affairs
A Feasibility Study for the establishment of a Multi-purpose port in the North-East Region of Trinidad and a Ferry link from the North-East Region to Tobago. Prepared for the Trinidad and Tobago Industrial Development Corporation
Published Feb 15 1990 by The Sea Bridge Team: Newel Lewis Broadbridge Associates Limited (Architects), Planviron Limited (Planners), Hart and Leonard Limited (Cost Consultants), Lloyd Best (Economist), Peat Marwick (Accountants and management Consultants)
A brochure for a plan provided by NICO for stakeholders to make their grievances known, acknowledged and addressed
An account from the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists club. Community Economic, environmental, logistical and organizational concerns in response to information from the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO) and the Environmental Resource Management Company (ERM)
A report from the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club on the 2018 Bioblitz held in Toco. A bioblitz is an intensive effort to survey living things within a restricted area over a short period of time.
An overview of recommended materials Supplied by the Toco Folk Museum, July 2019. More details to be added soon.
A slide presentation description of Trinidad and Tobago government 2000 proclamations to establish what was touted to be a 'ferry' service from the island of Trinidad to Tobago. The view is presented that in reality, This project was designed to benefit private developers instead of the community of Toco where the project was designed to mostly affect. This presentation reviews the community efforts through social and political action to successfully object to this form of 'development' and to put forward their own alternative development plan
Because there are concerns related to beach erosion and the impacts that it may have on wildlife such as nesting leatherback turtles, ERM has expanded the study area for coastal dynamics and hydrological studies to include the entire Grande L'Anse Bay (see Figure 1 ). Expansion of the study area will allow quantification of impacts, and confirm that the proposed port will not have detrimental impacts on the region. The study area identified here will form the basis for all quantitative impact evaluation.
The act creates new obligations for all existing non-profit organisations, whether unincorporated or established under the Companies Act (Chapter 81:01).
Further context/explanation can be found in this article